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V ON V Store Mission

 V ON V’s mission is to have intelligent curation, as we prioritize quality much more than the brand, the pieces are first of all analyzed in detail and then go through the curing process.

     At V ON V, conscious consumption is the rule, and this applies both to the customer and to us as a company, which is why we also prioritize the quality of delivery, guaranteeing a high level of service, we believe that it is not just because the piece is vintage or second-hand that it can be delivered anyway, quite the opposite, vintage and second-hand pieces need to be given extra care from their curation, that is, from the time the piece is found and selected for our store, until delivery to the end customer.

     And this care includes everything from the recoverable maintenance of a piece, such as a shoe with a worn sole, a shirt that has become unstitched, or even a dull leather bag that needs to be hydrated, until the pieces are properly disinfected and cleaned, making it completely possible its use upon receipt. And with all this we believe that we reinforce consumer awareness, encompassing individual and global sustainability.

The future is vintage!

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